Attn: Leaders/CXOs/Corporate Executives
Feeling Overwhelmed? Tired of monotony?
Feeling alone with no one to confide in?

Let Us Help

Our personalized coaching program will reignite your passion and transform you into a more successful and reliable leader – without constant stress, endless hustle,
or sacrificing your personal life.


Let Us Help

Our personalized coaching program will reignite your passion and transform you into a more successful and reliable leader – without constant stress, endless hustle,
or sacrificing your personal life.


Dear Corporate Leader,

You’re not alone. Many executives feel the same way. So much to do and so little time to do it in. 

They are in a constant state of stress and overwhelm which makes it hard for them to focus or take the right decisions consistently.

But what’s worse is that they feel guilty for sacrificing their personal lives. If this sounds familiar..I understand.

Me and every coach on my team have experienced this and have come out successfully on the other side. And now we’d like to help you do the same.

Personalized Executive Coaching

A 3 to 6-month 1:1 customized coaching program that helps corporate executives like you:

Restore Passion for Life and Work

Look forward to each day with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Gain Clarity and Focus

Understand your true path, clear the mental clutter and make strategic decisions with confidence.

Manage Stress

Learn techniques to manage stress effectively and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Enhance Leadership Skills

Become an even more successful and reliable leader who inspires and guides their team towards a unified vision and all this without sacrificing personal life or family.

Why our coaching works


Personalized Attention:

Our 1:1 coaching provides a safe space for you to fearlessly share your challenges and act on advice quickly.


Confidentiality and Trust:

Build a confidential relationship with your coach, seeing them as a trusted friend rather than a distant instructor


Accountability and Support:

Our program integrates easy and quick access to your coach, ensuring you have the support you need at every step.


Customized Action Plan:

The coaching plan is tailored to address your unique needs, ensuring that the program is designed with you in mind.


Faster Progress:

Witness improvements in various areas of your personal and professional life (see statistics below).


Long-Term Impact:

Transform your thinking, overcome limitations, step out of your comfort zone, and prepare to face future challenges with confidence.


Our 1:1 coaching provides a safe space for you to fearlessly share your challenges and act on advice quickly.

and Trust

Build a confidential relationship with your coach, seeing them as a trusted friend rather than a distant instructor.

and Support

Our program integrates easy and quick access to your coach, ensuring you have the support you need at every step.

Action Plan

The coaching plan is tailored to address your unique needs, ensuring that the program is designed with you in mind.


Witness improvements in various areas of your personal and professional life.


Transform your thinking, overcome limitations, step out of your comfort zone, and prepare to face future challenges with confidence.

Transformative Results with
Our Coaching Program

20% growth in
30% boost in communication
40% improvement in problem-solving
Up to 70% improvement in leadership effectiveness

Our coaching has garnered amazing
compliments from our Executive Clients

Shoonyas’ structured approach and sharp focus have brought clarity to our complex operations. Meghnand's partnership has been invaluable to me.
Mr. Prasad Bhalerao
Founder & Senior Partner, CFO Logic
Meghnand is the coach every founder needs. Every piece of information shared is treated with the utmost confidentiality. His fresh perspective and unwavering ethics make him an invaluable partner.
Mr. Lalit Valecha
Founder & Senior Partner, AVA Global

Ready to transform your personal and professional life?

Then click the button below to know more.

Ready to transform your personal and professional life?

Then click the button below to know more.

None of this would have been possible without our expert coach.

None of this would have been
possible without our expert coach.

Here’s Meghnand in his own words:

Meghnand Dungarwal- Certified Leadership Coach


I’m Meghnand Dungarwal, Founder & Chief Purpose Officer of Shoonyas. As a certified Executive Coach, Chartered Accountant, and CPA, I have 18 years of experience helping forward-thinking companies and leaders solve critical business problems.  I’ve held leadership roles at a high-growth advisory firm (SKP/Nexdigm) and worked in consulting positions at Big4 firms like EY and KPMG.

I’ve been where you are, facing the same challenges. I’ve navigated high-stakes decisions, managed complex projects, and led teams through significant growth. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the pressures and demands you face as a leader. Experiencing the transformative power of coaching firsthand inspired me to become a coach and help others. 

I know what it’s like to strive for excellence while balancing personal and professional demands. I work with leaders because they can influence their teams, clients, and families, creating a ripple effect of positive change. To me, they are the true influencers. Having been there and done that, I’m now dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential. Through personalized coaching, I aim to equip you with the tools and insights you need to thrive in your role and lead with confidence, clarity, and passion.

To learn more about me, visit

Meghnand Dungarwal png
Meghnand Dungarwal
Meghnand Dungarwal- Certified Leadership Coach


I’m Meghnand Dungarwal, Founder & Chief Purpose Officer of Shoonyas. As a certified Executive Coach, Chartered Accountant, and CPA, I have 18 years of experience helping forward-thinking companies and leaders solve critical business problems.  I’ve held leadership roles at a high-growth advisory firm (SKP/Nexdigm) and worked in consulting positions at Big4 firms like EY and KPMG.

I’ve been where you are, facing the same challenges. I’ve navigated high-stakes decisions, managed complex projects, and led teams through significant growth. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the pressures and demands you face as a leader. Experiencing the transformative power of coaching firsthand inspired me to become a coach and help others. 

I know what it’s like to strive for excellence while balancing personal and professional demands. I work with leaders because they can influence their teams, clients, and families, creating a ripple effect of positive change. To me, they are the true influencers. Having been there and done that, I’m now dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential. Through personalized coaching, I aim to equip you with the tools and insights you need to thrive in your role and lead with confidence, clarity, and passion.

To learn more about me, visit

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Finally… Did we mention my 60-day, risk-free,
iron-clad guarantee?

If you prove to us that you put in the work but don’t start seeing the results we promised you, within 60 days of joining the program.

Let us know and we’ll give you a quick and courteous refund. No questions asked

Now click the button below to
book your free consultation

if you have questions

This program is for Professional Practice Leaders, CXOs, and Corporate Executives who want to reignite their passion and become successful leaders without sacrificing their personal lives.

Our program is designed to be flexible and fit your unique needs.  We get that every executive faces different challenges and has different goals.  That’s why we customize the length of our program to ensure you get the right level of coaching.  Whether you need more intensive support or a shorter, more focused intervention, we’ll adjust the duration to suit you best.

Meghnand Dungarwal, a Certified Executive Coach, Chartered Accountant and CPA, has over 18 years of experience with firms like EY, KPMG, and SKP. He has successfully delivered programs to over 500 corporate executives across 30+ companies.
Read more about Meghnand here.

Customization starts with a thorough exploration of your values, goals, strengths, and development areas. We then craft a bespoke coaching plan with precise milestones and strategies tailored to your unique needs. This approach ensures that every aspect of the coaching experience is designed to drive meaningful progress and achieve your specific objectives.

We measure success by the tangible impact achieved. This involves regularly evaluating progress against your defined goals and gathering comprehensive feedback from key stakeholders, including yourself. By analysing both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights, we ensure that the coaching delivers substantial, measurable results that drive meaningful change.

Personalised executive coaching sharpens your clarity, decision-making, and leadership abilities, significantly boosting your professional effectiveness. It equips you to tackle complex challenges and achieve your career goals with greater precision. On a personal level, coaching enhances your self-awareness, builds confidence, and improves work-life balance, paving the way for a more fulfilling and impactful life.